Post Updated July 1, 2016
Live Without a Hitch. Gotta Love It.
Pulled the trigger right around 5:00 pm UTC-5 yesterday. Thanks to the excellent DNS change documentation from WP Engine, everything went smoothly and the newest incarnation of went live. I actually needed to do some tweaking on the WP Engine hosting end of things since I was running a completely new instance of the site.
Version 3.0
Yep, that’s correct. Version 3. Cap Web Solutions LLC has been officially a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entity for one year now so I thought that it was appropriate to give the company the gift of a complete online presence makeover. The previous site, which was more focused on the website maintenance and support service, can now be found at it’s new address – I really hope that the name clicks when you read it. ‘Top hat’. ‘Cap’ Web. Get it?
Update: The Top Hat Total Care service has been rebranded as Cap Web WPcare for consistency purposes. The original website and service offerings have been blended into the primary Cap Web Solutions website. The service offering is still available. Full description can be found under the “Services” menu on our website.
That was actually version 2.0 – a complete rewrite of the inaugural site that was launched just over a year ago. Version 2 came out in late winter 2015 as a full Genesis website rocking the parallax effects for the front page images. There’s a little more detail on the portfolio page of our new site. Check it out.
This incarnation solidifies Cap Web Solutions’ focus on developing websites fully utilizing the Genesis Framework. As our portfolio demonstrates, we are gaining more and more experience in the Genesis camp. I have found that the framework is well written, appropriately documented, and after having a couple of advanced classes under my belt, very easy to customize to accommodate any design requirements that I have come up against.
Community is Where Its At

I continue to be awestruck by the WordPress community, both here in the suburban Philadelphia area @burbswp" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(shout-out to the Philly ‘Burbs WordPress Meetup ) and nationwide. That sense of community runs even stronger within the Genesis camp. WordPress enthusiasts, be they users, administrators, or hard-core designers and developers, tend to always want to help one another, offer support to strangers, improve the technology, all in the name of moving the WordPress project forward. I recently attended my second Philadelphia WordCamp and came away from the day with renewed excitement for the path I’ve chosen, the people I’ve met, and the opportunities yet to be explored.
Onward and upward.