Here is an example of the tasks that are typically going to fall outside the 30 minute time frame, aka NOT a tiny task. This list is not all-inclusive, but it should give you an idea of things that require more effort than what we can handle as a daily tiny-task under the Cap Web WPcare plan.
We can handle requests like this. We consider these tasks to be a small project and will provide you with an estimate of how long it will take to complete. In most cases it will fall in the 2 – 4 hour range. Cap Web WPcare subscribers get a discounted rate for all small project work.
Not-so-tiny Task examples
* Migration from one hosting plan to another
* Recommend/research themes/plugins
* Install and configure eCommerce
* Configure SEO across site
* Speed up my site
* Update WordPress more than 2 releases at a time
* Portal configuration
* Troubleshoot slider problems
* Graphics editing
* Fix DNS issues
* 3rd Party hosting issues
* Hosted email problems
* Fix SSL connection problems
* Fix WooCommerce theme conflicts
* Configure and setup a new theme
* Create a custom post type
* Resize more than 3 images
* Custom theme development
* Custom plugin development
* Customize an existing plugin
* Site/page redesign
* Landing page design
* Make site responsive
* Design a new form
* General operational site troubleshooting
If you have any questions, please ask.
Let us know what you need and we will get back to you.
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