The first step is to define the specific solution that will be developed for your new website. Cap Web needs to thoroughly understand your business, the goals you have for your website, who your visitors are, what they are expected to do on your website and how they will behave. We will review your historical documentation and look at the competitive landscape to establish context and benchmarks for how your site should function.
This stage will give us the foundation for moving forward with just the right recommendations for the design and development of your new responsive website. One of the most important inputs to this process is the information you provide on the Website Project Profile Questionnaire. Nothing can start moving without this information.
The output of this step includes a sitemap, which identifies the overall content structure, wireframes of the key pages and site interactions, and a scope of work document that describes how all the features on the website work.
Wireframes look like simple skeletons of your website without the visual polish of the finished design, allowing us to experiment and iterate on solutions quickly so that we have a good sense of how content should be laid out across different screen sizes. The Discovery Step includes time for a revision cycle.